Daily Gacha Videos

EX Upgrades



Published on: June 29, 2024

Last updated on: June 29, 2024

What are the best EX Upgrades?

EX Upgrades are another type of passive buff similar to the upgrade tree. You have four slots that can be rerolled for different abilities. You don’t start with any EX Upgrades, so you need to spend at least 10,000 coins to unlock them.

Once you do your first reroll, you have the option to lock an ability; this means it will not be changed when you reroll. Rerolling costs 10,000 coins, but the price goes up by 5,000 for each slot you have locked. (e.g., 3 locked slots are 25,000 coins to reroll.)

When you reroll, you will receive one of 10 random upgrades in each of your non-locked slots. You are not allowed to get more than one of any upgrade type at a time. Here’s a list of all the possible upgrades:

  • Attack 
  • Attack Speed
  • Projectile Speed
  • Max Health
  • Max Revives
  • Defense
  • Movement Speed
  • Projectile Size
  • Item Acquisition Radius (Magnet)
  • Reroll Upgrades

You can choose whichever of these you like, but the strongest are Attack, Attack-Speed, Max Revives, and Defense. (Projectile Size is also a good choice if you get it.)

Switching any of these out is fine, but I recommend keeping Max Revives because even one more life is huge and can be the difference between winning or losing a level.

There are 2 different tiers of EX Upgrades: A rank and S rank. S rank is always stronger than A rank, so you should only be rerolling for those, but if you are just trying to beat a level, then there isn’t any reason to get rid of an A rank, as long as it isn’t a bad buff.

Rerolling can get expensive quickly, so I recommend only locking a slot if it’s S rank AND it’s one of the 5 listed above. Those 5,000 coins per slot locked start to add up fast.

As for leveling up your upgrades, leveling a slot will permanently increase how strong that slot is, even if you reset it to a different buff, so there is no risk in leveling up your slots; feel free to do it whenever. (e.g., If you level a slot to 2/10, it will never go back to 1/10)

It becomes more expensive each time you level up the same upgrade, starting at 10K and scaling from there. It takes a total of 410,000 coins to fully level up 1 upgrade, and since there are 4 slots, it takes 1,640,000 coins to fully level up all your upgrades.

Adding the cost of the normal character upgrades, it takes 2,122,000 coins to FULLY upgrade your character (Not counting any Rerolling for EX Upgrades.)

Example of the difference between A and S.

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