Daily Gacha Videos

August 2, 2023

NIKKE Anchor skills revealed and… she’s kinda underwhelming

We finally have the official kit for Anchor, and sadly she’s kinda useless, which was expected the moment they said she’s an SR unit.

Hopefully today we get the other kits for the new summer units, so we can make a pre-analysis of them.

Until then, let’s talk about Anchor’s kit:

Skill 1 is pretty good, with the last bullet she will get a DEF up buff and a taunt for 5 seconds.

Taunt doesn’t specify if it’s for one enemy or for everyone, hopefully we get a clarification.

Skill 2 activates when entering battle and gives increased damage dealt to projectiles but only to herself, making it a little useless.

Lastly, her burst skill just deals some damage.

She’s a defender burst 1 meaning this last part is completely useless and what makes her not usable compared to the rest of burst 1 units.

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