Daily Gacha Videos

November 22, 2023

NIKKE Tove Analysis, kit and team compositions pre-release

Update: Full review is out on her character page, so please check it here.

We have the newest NIKKE coming in a few hours, so let’s talk about her kit, possible team compositions and if it’s worth pulling for her or not.

Kit analysis

Skill 1: Emergency-Crafted Bullets
■ There is a 5% chance of activating when attacking
Emergency-Crafted Bullets: Reloads 5.31% magazine(s).
■ Activates during Emergency-Crafted Bullets. Affects all allies.
Temporary Modification: Max Ammunition Capacity ▲ 2 round(s), stacks up to 3 time(s) and lasts for 5 sec.
Critical Damage ▲ 5.24% for 5 sec.

Tove should be able to maintain this buff always active even with the 5% chance since she has an Assault Rifle. With overload gear and bastion or resilience cube, this should be even easier to achieve.

When it comes to the buff for the allies, this is only good for weapons with already low magazine sizes to begin with, like shotguns, sniper rifles and rocket launchers (meta shotgun incoming?). This buff is amazing for those weapon types since it allow your DPS to deal more damage and proc their skills more often.

The downside to this skill is the low % on critical damage, since the damage formula in NIKKE doesn’t really make this type of buffs strong or desirable over just basic ATK buffs.

Just make sure you are not using units like Dorothy, Anis: Sparkling Summer and the likes with this NIKKE, since they benefit from lower magazine sizes.

Skill 2: Modification Successful
■ Activates when Temporary Modifications is fully stacked. Affects all allies.
Critical Rate 3.32% continuously.
■ Activates when Temporary Modifications is fully stacked. Affects all allies with a Shotgun.
Attack Speed 42.24% continuously.

The first part of the skill activates when you achieve full stacks on skill 1 increasing the critical rate of your units but… just like before, critical buffs are decent but will not make or break your team.

The good part of this skill is the second line, increasing attack speed for all allies with a shotgun. This is an amazing buff that will transform some shotguns from mediocre units to absolutely beasts (Sugar to be more specific).

To see what units benefit the most from this buff, wait until the full review is out on our Tove character page.

Burst Skill: Miracle of Makeshifts
Active – 20.00S
■ Affects all allies.
Miracle of Makeshifts: ATK ▲ 2.32% of caster’s ATK.
Mirrors the stack count of Temporary Modifications for 10 sec.

■ Affects all allies with a Shotgun.
Miracle of Makeshifts: ATK ▲ 24.21% of caster’s ATK.
Mirrors the stack count of Temporary Modifications for 10 sec.

Same as the other skills, first part doesn’t really affect her or any NIKKE without a shotgun since the modifier is quite low. The good part comes (once again, for the third time) on the second part of the skill. Increasing attack by 24% for all shotguns and duplicating the stack count is pretty good even if it’s only for 10 seconds.

Honestly her kit feels solid for her niche, shotgun teams but quite useless outside of that. We will most likely see her on raids but overall not a must-have NIKKE for most players unless she’s your waifu.

Does Tove need dupes?

Like every gacha, getting dupes in NIKKE benefits absolutely all characters, but 99% of players do not need them. Each dupe gives the unit a 2% increase on stats, so for a supporter character like Tove, it’s not really needed.

She also doesn’t have any final modifier on her skills, meaning she will not require a lot of investment (gear/skills) in order to work or multiple copies to make use of her full kit.

Should you pull?

Like always, it really depends on your situation:

  • If waifu: Get as many copies as you want.
  • F2P: Wishlist material unless you’re trying to compete in raids, in that case try to get one copy early without going too crazy on resources.
  • Small spenders: One copy for raids, MLB if you like the background

Really hard to justify to pull for a character that will have 0 uses outside shotgun compositions, which already limits her usage a lot.

Team compositions

Thanks to the attack speed for shotguns, the best unit to pair with Tove it’s going to be always Sugar since she also applies attack speed on her own burst, transforming her into a killing machine if enemies are close enough.

When it comes to Burst 2 slots, you will need a CDR unit so you have two possible options, Dolla and Helm: Aquamarine. I would suggest going with Dolla since she also buffs critical rate, critical damage and ATK making her a pretty good buffer for this team while providing cooldown reduction.

When it comes to the other shotguns on the team, it depends what you have available on your roster, but Drake, Noir and Neve are all good picks.

Your heals are limited to burst 3 or using Rapunzel as an off burst, so the best options here are Helm or Quiry.

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