Daily Gacha Videos

March 28, 2023

Sakura pre-analysis, should you pull for her?

NIKKE announced the next banner coming to the game, Sakura, a Japanese themed unit to match the cherry blossom season with a new event where you will have to marry her (it’s a fake wedding tho, don’t get your hopes up Commander).

If you want to see Sakura skills, we have a video going over them.

Is Sakura a good unit?

Sakura is on a weird spot. She has a super specific kit that will help you deal with enemy projectiles and red circles, but… there are not many bosses right now with those mechanics.

To summarize her kit, her strengths, and weaknesses 👇

  • Off-burst unit, you want her for her passives
  • You can shoot manually 3 times at the start of the battle and the AI should maintain the passive DEF buff
    • Her DEF buff is actually pretty huge
  • Right now there are not a lot of bosses with projectiles so her Skill 2 is a bit of a mystery, potentially future content?
    • Same with her burst, right now there are few bosses we cannot break the red circles
  • If you burst with her, she’s only good on bosses that are Wind type, and you can only activate that passive once per battle

Should you pull for Sakura?

If you like her, 100%. Waifu over meta any day.

If we talk about skills and utility for your team, I would personally say don’t go too hard on the banner, as we don’t know if she will prove to be useful in the future or will only be usable in specific situations.

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