Daily Gacha Videos


Guilty build & priority

Skill priority

Skill 1Skill 2Burst

Best harmony cube

Resilience or Bastion.

Stat priority

ATK, elemental damage and max ammunition capacity take priority. After that, hit rate and crit for filler lines.


Skill 1 – Mind If I Borrow This?
■ Activates after landing 6 normal attack(s). Affects self.
Mind If I Borrow This?: Duplicate 8.81% ATK of ally with the highest ATK, stacks up to 5 time(s) and lasts for 10 sec.

Skill 2 – Time to play
■ Activates after landing 12 normal attack(s). Affects all Wind type allies.
Increases stack count of buffs by 1.
ATK ▲ 4.13% for 10 sec.

Burst Skill – Gotcha…
Active – Cooldown 20s
■ Affects 1 enemy unit(s) with the highest DEF.
Deals 284.32% of ATK as damage.
■ Affects the same target(s) when Mind If I Borrow This? is fully stacked.
DEF ▼ 20.25% for 5 sec.
Deals 277.71% of ATK as additional damage.

Character traits


– The current strongest unit amongst the Liberation units
– One of the best attacker units amongst Burst II units
– Fairly consistent reduce enemy defense debuff (very strong)


– Liberation system sucks, takes really long without using gems to cap out points
– Getting copies is time gated behind Union raid token acquisition
– Shotgun unit, limited range and effective damage


Guilty was introduced part of the “Real Kindness Squad” with the Liberation System, and people were not expecting a unit that everyone can get for free to be this beast of an attacker unit.

She can duplicate a huge chunk of the ATK of your main DPS (up to 40%), allowing her to deal insane amounts of damage if you pair her with units that have a high base ATK or the ability to scale their ATK stat.

This makes Guilty a good filler burst 2 for absolutely any team where you have top tier damage dealer units if you are missing some good units for this spot.

There aren’t really any glaring issues with how Guilty functions, she is great at doing the damage you want her to and that’s it.

The only thing is that she shares a fairly competitive slot with other very power Burst 2 NIKKE, you have to question constantly whether or not her investment is worth replacing what is usually a support/utility slot for more damage and if you can supplement that loss elsewhere.

Due to her being a part of the Liberation System, unlocking her will take time. But we do recommend her being the first one you decided to unlock as soon as you unlock the system itself. You can read our full liberation guide here.

If by chance you were unlucky with your pulls and have unlocked Guilty already, you could definitely make a strong case to use her in your main team for a while.

Should you reroll for Guilty?

You are unable to reroll for Guilty, as she is part of the Liberation system.

If you are keen on rerolling, consider checking our guides to see what are the units you should be aiming for.

One comment on "Guilty"

  1. Ash says:

    In a half decent Union that can average 7500+ chips per month you’ll get a dupe every 2 months so it varies and definitely doesn’t take forever like pilgrims

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